Banking for your
Crypto Business.

We enable our users to open dedicated IBAN accounts and get access to deep crypto liquidity, all in one platform.

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Built for European crypto businesses

We serve clients from all countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Flags of countries. Denmark. Sweden. Lithuania. United Kingdom. Italy. Portugal. France.

Banking for crypto businesses. Any Vertical. Any Size. Any Use case.

Nordark offers crypto VCs a secure and compliant platform to manage their investments effectively:

  • Hold and manage multiple cryptocurrencies: Maintain a single account for holding and managing multiple cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies.
  • Send and receive payments worldwide: Facilitate investment transactions across borders using a variety of payment rails.
  • Navigate regulatory requirements: Comply with complex regulatory requirements with Nordark's expertise in compliance and regulatory matters.
Interface showcasing a financial transaction, with a 'Payment' window on the right where 'Anders Svensson' is selected as the recipient. Below, the 'Send from' option is expanded showing a EUR Account with partial IBAN displayed. On the left, there are 'Accounts' cards, one for a EUR Account with an EU flag and IBAN details, and another for a GBP Account with a UK flag and SORT code. A 'Create new Account' option is also visible.

Nordark empowers crypto brokers to provide their clients with a seamless trading experience:

  • Execute complex trading strategies: Utilize Nordark's robust order management system and real-time market data to execute trades effectively.
  • Manage liquidity effectively: Optimize liquidity management with Nordark's real-time market data and access to multiple crypto exchanges.
  • Comply with regulatory requirements: Operate in a compliant and secure manner with Nordark's comprehensive compliance framework.
A graphic depicting three cryptocurrency transactions. The top transaction shows a conversion from Bitcoin (BTC) to Euros (EUR), with arrows indicating exchange direction. The middle one displays a completed transaction between Euros (EUR) and Ethereum (ETH), marked by a checkmark. The bottom one shows a completed exchange from USD Coin (USDC) to Ethereum (ETH), also marked as completed.

Nordark provides crypto startups with a comprehensive crypto banking and exchange platform that enables them to:

  • Have a fast onboarding
  • Streamline financial operations with dedicated IBAN accounts, multiple payment rails, and real-time financial insights.
  • Easy-to-use tools to manage their financials
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A central circular logo with the word 'NORDARK' is surrounded by eight icons connected by lines, indicating a network or range of services. The icons include a bank, a lightning bolt, a gear with a check mark, a shield with a lock, a chart, a credit card, a Bitcoin symbol inside an eye, and a compass arrow, all set against a dark background.

Nordark provides crypto hedge funds with the tools and infrastructure to manage, track, and transfer funds all in one place.

  • Pay contractors or staff directly
  • View reports on overall spend
  • Comply with regulatory requirements and generate customized reports: Ensure transparency and accountability with compliance support and customized investor reports.
  • Execute high-frequency trades: Utilize Nordark's low latency infrastructure to execute high-frequency trades and capture market opportunities.

A financial dashboard interface from 'NORDARK' with a dark theme. The main display shows a 'Dashboard' title with a balance of €101,977.01 and a graph tracking account balance over time, with significant points like €50,423.50 on Oct 02. The 'Asset Structure' on the right illustrates the distribution of assets in EUR, GBP, and Crypto, represented by a partially filled circle chart. Below, there are two 'Accounts': a EUR Account with an IBAN number and a GBP Account with a Sort code, each displaying a currency symbol, balance, and options for operations. A sidebar on the left includes navigation for Home, Transactions, Send, Deposit, and Settings.

Nordark, a crypto friendly business banking partner

In addition to your regular banking capabilities, every Nordark account comes with best-in-class crypto tools that help you move faster.

Banking without a bank

Your path to simplified business banking. Business accounts with global currencies, along with access to both domestic and international payment networks.

  • Dedicated IBAN Accounts
  • Individual named business accounts
  • Receive and send major currencies such as EUR and GBP
  • SEPA Instant and Faster Payments
  • Third party payments, in and out
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EUR Accout, GBP Account and BTC Account.
A section titled 'Accounts' displays two listed bank accounts. The first account is labeled as 'EUR Account' with a European Union flag icon and partial IBAN details. The second is a 'GBP Account' with a United Kingdom flag icon and partial SORT code details. Below the accounts, there is an option to '+ Create new Account', suggesting the ability to add additional bank accounts to this interface

Banking for the crypto-driven economy

We offer specialized crypto banking solutions for crypto companies. From secure management of multiple currencies to streamlined payment processing, our services are designed to help your business thrive in the digital age.

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Streamline your finances and trade with ease.

Where convenience meets substance. At Nordark, we're committed to providing you with essential tools for a seamless trading experience.

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A minimalist interface showing a completed financial transaction. At the top, two button-like icons indicate a currency exchange from Bitcoin (BTC) to Euros (EUR), with arrows suggesting the direction of conversion. Below, a confirmation message states 'Transaction Completed' alongside a check mark symbol, indicating the successful completion of the exchange.
Digital payment interface titled 'Payment' with fields for transaction details. The 'Recipient' field is filled with the name 'Anders Svensson'. Under 'Send from', a selected account is displayed with a European Union flag, labeled 'EUR Account', and showing a balance of $12,505.87 alongside a partially hidden IBAN. The 'Method' field is set to 'SEPA', indicating the payment method being used.

Multiple payment networks

We can handle payments through the major networks, such as UK FPS (Faster Payments Service), CHAPS (Clearing House Automated Payment System) and Euro SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area).

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Grow With Us.
It’s time for your business to get the banking experience it deserves.
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